
Dental Mentoring for general dentists
by general dentists.

ORTHODONTICS Services – There is a substantial demand for clear aligners in the market and patients increasingly rely on their general dentist for their treatment. Obtaining training from a general dentist service can significantly boost your confidence and provide assurance that you can seamlessly integrate your special interest into your clinic.
Dr. Renu is enthusiastic about guiding you through the learning curve, leveraging her own experience in this field. Stay ahead by incorporate digital technologies into your practice today, which will give you the confidence needed to successfully recommend and treat orthodontic cases successfully in your practice.

Dr. Renu’s experience and orthodontic knowledge will give you the confidence to complete successful aligner cases in your own practice. She provides treatment for phase 1 and phase 2 orthodontics with braces and aligners.

IDS will be there every step of the way, ready to give you tips and guidance, as well as show you when your patients might not be telling the truth regarding how often they are wearing their aligners or not! If you need to combine this with Dental Monitoring or not?

-Orthodontics-traditional braces, clear aligners, and hybrid.
-Training and education for general dentists.
-Accepts referrals and case transfers from local and overseas dentists.

Provide the following options for the training program


A. Case selection to match your level of knowledge.

To assess if a case is suitable, IDS will check photos and radiographs and help you decide, making your aligner experience a rewarding one. These assessments will help you stay away from risky and complicated cases.

B. Case diagnosis and treatment plan.

Clincheck set up-if you only need help with an initial set-up of the digital treatment plan or a complex second or third set of aligners for a difficult unpredictable case, to get the best possible outcome for you and your patients.

C. Case mentoring till finishing.

Would you like IDS virtually with you every step of the way, for the whole patient experience until completion? This is irrespective of the number of additional set-ups required to get there.

Dental Implant Mentoring


Personalized applied learning through mentorship is an irreplaceable aspect of your implant learning journey.
In surgery and prosthetics, one mistake takes more time, stress and resources to fix it. Early in your implant career, you can minimize mistakes and approach cases comprehensively and with more confidence, with the guidance of the right mentor. Implantology is a vast multifaceted discipline and you can benefit from the motivation and guidance of mentors to help you achieve the best for your patients and your careers.
You need hand holding during your first implant surgery or new procedure, Dr. Renu can assist, observe and guide you during surgery. You can share and discuss your pre-op workups, case planning and design and patient instructions/follow ups. Get surgical and prosthetic tips and troubleshooting management.
Dr. Renu is an integral part of the implant training and education program for PSG.